2 (P.Oxy. 654.5-9)
[Jesus said,] "Let
the one seek[ing] not stop [seeking until] he finds. And when
he find[s he will marvel, and mar]veling he will reign, an[d
reigning] he will [rest.]”
3 (P.Oxy. 654.9-21)
J[esus] said, "[If]
those pulling you [say to you, 'Look,] the kingdom is in the
sk[y,]' the birds of the sk[y will go before you. Or if they
say t]hat it [is] beneath the ground, the fish of the se[a will
go in, preced]ing you. And the king[dom of God] [i]s within
you [and outside you. Whoever] knows [himself will] find this
[and when you] know yourselves [you will know that] you are
[children] of the l[iving] father. [But if] you will [not] know
yourselves, [you are] in [poverty] and you are the pov[erty.]"
4 (P.Oxy. 654.21-27)
[Jesus said,] "A
per[son old in day]s will not hesitate to ask a ch[ild seven
day]s old about his place in [life and] he will [live.] For
many of the f[irst] will be [last and] many of the last will
be first and they [will become one]."
5 (P.Oxy. 654.27-31)
Jesus said, "K[now
what is in fr]ont of your face and [what has been hidden] from
you [will be] revealed [to you. For there] is [nothing] hidden
that [will] not [be made] cl[ear] and n[othing] buried that
[will] n[ot be raised]."
6 (P.Oxy. 654.32-40)
[His disciples
qu]estioned him [and s]aid, "How [should we] fast [and
how] should we [pray,] and how [should we do charitable deeds
a]nd what [food law should we] observe?"
Jesus said, "[Do not
lie and that which] you [hate], do not do [because everything
is evident before t]he tru[t]h. [For there is nothing hi]dd[en
that will not be made clear.]"
7? (P.Oxy. 654.40-42)
[bl]esse[d] is
[ . . . ]
24? (P.Oxy. 655d.1-5)
[it] is [ . . .
l]ight [ . . . w]orld [ . . . i]t is [ . . . ]
26 (P.Oxy. 1.1-4)
". . . and
then you will see clearly to cast out the speck that is in your
brother’s eye."
27 (P.Oxy. 1.4-11)
Jesus said, "If
you do not fast from the world, you will not find the kingdom
of God. And if you do not keep the sabbath a sabbath, you will
not see the father."
28 (P.Oxy. 1.11-21)
Jesus said, "I
s[t]ood in the midst of the world and in the flesh I appeared
to them. I found everyone drunk and none thirsty among them.
My soul worries about the children of humanity because they
are blind in thei[r] hearts and [they] do [not] see."
29 (P.Oxy. 1.22)
"[. . .he
dwells in th]i[s] poverty."
30+77b (P.Oxy. 1.23-30)
[Jesus sa]id, ["Wh]ere
there are [th]r[ee] t[hey ar]e [without] God. And [w]here there
is only o[ne], I say, I am with hi[m]. Li[f]t the stone and
there you will find me. Split the wood and I am there."
31 (P.Oxy. 1.30-35)
Jesus said, "A
prophet is not acceptable in h[i]s homeland. Nor does a physican
perform healings for those who know him."
32 (P.Oxy. 1.36-41)
Jesus said, "A
city that has been built and established on the summit of a
high [m]ountain can neither fa[l]l nor be hi[d]den."
33 (P.Oxy. 1.41-42)
Jesus said, “What
you hear [i]n your one ear . . ."
36 (P.Oxy. 655i.1-17)
[Jesus said, "Do
not worry f]rom early u[ntil late no]r from ev[ening until m]orning.
Worry neither [for y]our [food,] what [you] will eat, [nor]
for [your] c[lothes,] what you will wear. [You are] [mu]ch gr[ea]ter
than the [lil]lies wh[ich n]either ca[r]d nor s[pi]n. When you
have n[o c]lo[thing], what do [you wear]? Who can add to your
time of life? H[e it is who w]ill give you your clothing."
37 (P.Oxy. 655i.17-23)
His disciples said
to him, "When will you be visible to us? And when will
we see you?"
He said, "When you
undress and are not ashamed."
39 (P.Oxy. 655ii.11-23)
[Jesus said, "The
Pharisees and the scribes] to[ok the keys] of [knowledge. They]
hi[d them. They did not] go in, [nor did] they [allow those]
trying to go [in to do so. You,] however, b[e wi]se a[s snakes
and i]nnocen[t as do]v[es.]"